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Jarek Jõepera mobile photography training

There will be a practical photo training session for tourism businesses, where they will learn how to appeal to their target audience through photos.

The training is conducted by Jarek Jõepera, who started his career as a photographer in 1997 and has been involved in photography training for the last 15 years.

The training will be held in Võru County, Jõgeva County and due to the high popularity of the training, an additional training will be held in Tartu County.


Cl. 10.30-12.30 Theoretical lecture with photo programme

We will go through the most important technical issues to deal with before you press the “button”. I share a lot of technical tips, but my biggest goal is to get people to think differently. I’m trying to inspire and lead people to the idea that photos or stories are made in the photographer’s head before the button is pressed.

Cl. 12.30-13.00 South

Cl. 13.00-14.30 Practical part or taking pictures of different objects

We look for motifs inside and outside the building and take pictures. We will learn to see light and how it creates form and space in objects. I’ll show you how to soften shadows with very simple “at home” tools or create an improvised simple photo studio from a windowsill. A practical part, where people themselves are involved as models or with cameras.

Cl. 14.30-16.00 Photo analysis and processing

All participants send 2 photos to Jarek’s email address. One from the practical part of the training day and another from somewhere earlier – so we get different objects, environments and seasons. I open the pictures in photo editing software and the people at the lecture see.
what I’m doing with them in real time. I cut and crop images and together we try to figure out if there is any pointless ballast in the image that could be cropped out, which is actually the most important and emotional part of the image, or vice versa.
Something could be more and more broadly captured. Life has shown that it is often the seemingly simple thing that makes the biggest difference to the emotion that comes out of a picture.
We turn up the colours, saturation and lightness-darkness. I’ll show you how to save dark shelters. I only use the tools on my computer that everyone has on their phone in the gallery mode. The photo analysis/photo editing part is a sort of continuation of the theory lecture, as I also talk about “rules” here that were not yet in the theory lecture, or point out more important things that I already touched on in the theory lecture.