
What to do?


One of the triangulation points of Struve’s meridian arc is located in Kaarepere on Aruküla hill. The point is marked with an information board and nearby is the Kaarepere disc golf course, a barbecue and picnic area and a pleasant village picnic. The Struve arc was drawn in 2005. on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

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Kassinurme fortress was built about 1.5 thousand years ago. The ancient castle itself, the nearby cairn, the big rock and the natural terrain of the area are associated with the stories of Kalevipoja. To the east of the castle is Hiis, where we honour our nature and our land.

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The Lake Männikjärve hiking trail, suitable for beginners, offers beautiful views of Lake Männikjärv and the surrounding marshland. The trail runs around Männikjärv, through bog and coppice forest.

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The Endla Diverse Nature Reserve was created to preserve the biodiversity of peatlands, karst springs and wetlands. On three hiking trails of different lengths, you can explore forest stands, wooded meadows, lakes, rivers and marshes, see birds and learn about wildlife.

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The Great Lake is considered one of the most popular natural attractions in Estonia, and the sandy plateau of the Great Lake is not far away. There are almost 40 km of hiking trails in Taevaskoja and legendary scenes from the film “The Last Relic” were filmed here.

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Meenikunno bog is undoubtedly one of the most famous and beautiful places in South Estonia. A pleasant boardwalk, the Sunset Forest lodge and the observation tower attract hikers, birdwatchers, berry and plant lovers. There is plenty to see and enjoy!

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The White Swamp is a good place to learn about the development of the swamps, the vegetation and to observe the pine cultures. During the study period, you can observe the marsh vegetation, the “Barunimännik” and the rich woodland edge of the lanianthus. The Valgesoo Bog is marked with a National Geographic yellow window – a place worth exploring for nature lovers.

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In the area between the Mehikoorma harbour and the lighthouse, a circular path has been built at three different heights to enjoy the charms of Lake Peipsi and the natural environment.

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The oldest botanical garden in the Baltic States is home to more than 10,000 species and varieties of plants from all over the world. In addition to natural plants, including rare protected plants, you will also see new ornamental plants. Rainforest and desert plants can be discovered in the greenhouses.

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The Lodi Jõmmu is an archaic wooden cargo boat, the likes of which sailed the Peipsi and Emajõgi rivers from the Hanseatic period until the 20th century. until the mid-century. Now Jõmmu takes everyone out on the Emajõgi, Peipsi and Lake Võrtsjärvi.

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The multifaceted hiking trail of the Selli-Sillaotsa educational trail winds through the bog, forest and gravel road and runs along the edge of the Laeva bog, where the 12 m high Suuretüki lookout tower has been built. The trail continues along a boardwalk and dirt track through a marsh at various stages of development, which is also known for its good cranberry patches.

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On the nature trail in Järvselja you can explore the forests in the immediate vicinity of the Learning and Experimental Forest Centre. The trail passes through a variety of stands, where you can see several types of forest stands, the trees – shrubs and forest undergrowth. You can choose a route of approximately 3,5 – 5 km kilometres.

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Harimägi is one of the largest plateaus in the Otepää uplands (211.3 m above sea level). The 28-metre-high lookout tower offers distant views of the Otepää Mountains and across the Väikese Emajõgi valley to the Karula uplands.

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The Tellingumäe lookout tower offers a magnificent view of the meandering Black River meadows. Nearby, the Black River joins the Koiva River (Gauja), which is the Estonian-Latvian border river for 22 kilometres. As well as nature, the observation tower is also an ideal place for birdwatching – several rare species of birds have been spotted in the area.

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Take to the heights! The Tehvand ski jump viewing platform is a unique tourist and sports attraction in the Nordic countries – here you can climb to 34 metres and see ski jumpers training or competing. You can use the stairs or the lift to get to the tower.

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There are seven lakes in the Rõuge gorge, which is 10 km long and 52 m deep, and eight side gorges. The most famous of these is the Ööbikuorg, which bounds the ancient hill from the north. In spring, when the toadflaxes are in bloom, the valley resounds with the song of nightingales – hence the valley’s name. At the edge of the night shelter stands the imposing Nesting Tree lookout tower, with views across the valley!

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The smallest and hilliest of Estonia’s national parks, Karula National Park has a wonderfully diverse nature. North Karula is dominated by heritage landscapes that have been created by thousands of years of human activity. Scattered farms are interspersed with farm fields, meadows, woodland and lakes. In contrast, South Karelia is a mass of forests with small bogs and marshes between them, and Karelia has a number of lakes. Truly worth discovering and admiring!

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The hike in Luhasoos, with its flat terrain, offers a change from the otherwise hilly nature of Võrumaa. The peace and tranquillity of the meadow will help to calm your nerves after a day in the city. There is also a small bog island at the centre of the trail where you can spend the night.

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