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Training “Why storytelling matters and how to do it”

Stories are everywhere. We live in a world of stories, where good and powerful stories have the power to change the way we think, feel and behave. In the world of business, well-told stories help you become visible to your customers, stand out from your competitors and build long-term relationships.

The training will provide practical techniques and techniques to help participants come up with their own stories that deserve to be told and create emotional involvement in the audience. In the theoretical part, we will talk about the mechanisms of storytelling, and similar techniques that link storytelling in different indigenous peoples and in the Hollywood film industry.

The workshop is divided into three parts. In the first part, we’ll get to know each other and go through playful exercises to get our imagination going. In the second part, we will embark on an expedition into the landscapes of imagination, seeking out our own stories that deserve to be told and shared, and that generate excitement and emotional involvement. We learn to create shapes and draw inspiration from our past life experiences.

In the final, third part, everyone gets to create their own story, and together we explore storytelling and audience engagement techniques that work.

The training is FREE of charge and is for everyone, regardless of previous storytelling experience.

Location of the training either in Võru County or Jõgeva County.


9.45 Gathering and coffee break

10:00-11:30 – Part 1 – familiarisation and practical exercises

11:30-11:45 – Coffee break

11:45-13:15 – Part 2 – Theoretical part and practical exercises.

13:15-14:00 – lunch break

14:00-16:00 – Part 3 – storytelling and summary session

The trainings will be conducted by Polina Cherkassova, an Estonian storyteller, musician and lecturer at TUT and EKA, who has published five audiobooks on storytelling and often performs at storytelling festivals in Estonia and abroad.