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Saturday’s Onion Lake Buffet Day pays homage to the fish of Lake Peipsi

This Saturday, the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 will lead the way to the shores of Lake Peipsi, where 22 yards and gardens from the Onion Road will open their doors. Local fish from Lake Peipsi is at the forefront of the menu, migrating into soups, pies, dumplings, salads, cutlets, burgers and fish dishes. The Onion Sea FISH Fry Day takes place.

The buffets are open from 11-17 and can be found all over the Onion Lake area. The number of open spaces is particularly high in Kolkja, which can even be described as a buffet capital. There will be food in Alatskivi, Kallas, Hapsipi, Kokora, Nina, Kasepää, Kadrina, Lümat, Sipelga village and Tähemaa.

Liis Lainemäe, Onion Road Network and Destination Manager: “The Spring Buffet Day is also the start of the upcoming season for us. While we usually open the season at the end of April, this year we will do it in May, after the end of Lent.” In addition to food, the buffets will offer activities for children, workshops and exhibitions of old farm items. Of course, there are other dishes on the menu, and the famous onion pies take their place on the counter.

The organisers will also introduce the VONK approach: visitors will be encouraged to “take their own advice”. Perhaps your own mug and fork-knife will help make the event even more environmentally friendly.

When you’re full, you can also look for cultural experiences, as the Voronja Gallery, the Samovar House in Varnja, the Kolkja Old Believers’ Museum and the Alatskivi Castle will open their doors that day.

Onion Fish Fry Day takes place on 11. May 11-17.

All the information you need, including a map of the day, can be found at

The Onion Blossom Day 2024 is part of the South-Estonian Community Programme of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024. The organisation of the Onion Sea FISH Fry Day is supported by the Peipsiveere programme.